Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Spring Farm Day

May 9th, 2015

I've been living here for almost a decade and I still haven't adjusted to how "not-rural" Fairfax county is. Case in point: Frying Pan Park.  It's a park because its  a traditional working farm. That's how unusual farms are up here. They've tried to preserve the place to resemble a Depression era farm as much as possible. So its a combination of nature, with lots of very friendly animals that want to be petted, and the technology and scope of my grandfather's farm I spent a lot of time on as a kid. Its kind of natural that I'm drawn to the place.

Today was their annual Spring Farm day where they have all sorts of vendors and demonstrations for families to enjoy.  Its the season for sheep shearing so they wanted to especially focus wool and how it goes from being something the sheep wears to something a human wears.  So while the farm hands were shearing outside, they asked me to do spinning demonstrations inside. 

Oh it was so much fun! I was hungry and exhausted and losing my voice by the end of it. But I got to spin, and play with children, and cuddle baby animals for hours so that's about the best possible day for me.

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